Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Banksy's first Film Debut

Everyone in the contemporary art community knows of or has heard of Banksy. The graffiti/pop artist is one of the most infamous artists in the world today. Some may call his work "vandalism," others consider him a genius - but he definitely knows how to bring public awareness to his art not only because of his images but also because of the powerful social messages they convey.

Banksy is most well-known for spraying/painting his art on the side of buildings, chain fences, and in other public spaces. Bansky once wrote, "I've wandered round a lot of art galleries thinking, 'I could have done that.' " Banksy believed that these "galleries were just a trophy cabinets for a handful of millionaires, the public never has any real say in what they see." This quote from Banksy really brings you back to why art is important. It's not only important for yourself, but to deliver a message to the general public - in Banksy's case, a social message to make people think about and change the world around them.

His artwork can be seen all over the world but I have unfortunately never seen one up close. It's because of this that I am so excited to see his first film, Exit Through The Gift Shop. The documentary will debut April 15th in Los Angeles and hopefully spread further so others can learn about this amazing artist. For more details check out the below links.

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