Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Inspirational Story of the Day

I think reading at least one inspirational story a day really helps to change perspectives and teach people (and me) what life is really all about. I came across this interesting article on Tonic.com about a LA based graffiti artist named Tony Quan. He was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease, leaving every muscle in his body paralyzed except for his eyes. Using the latest technology and the support of the art community, "a group of artists created a gadget, costing about as much as an iPod Shuffle, that lets Quan continue making art using only his eyes."

Zach Lieberman, the inventor of the technology, tells NPR, "He can plot points. And from plotting points, create letters. And from creating letters, create words. And then color the words, shade the words, extrude them in 3-D, add different features."

Tonic.com also has a video of the device in action, which is truly remarkable.

[image tonic.com]

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