1.Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Christian Bolesta and I live near Frankfurt, Germany and attended a college to study special education in Heidelberg. I'm working in a group home for adults who are mentally and physically handicapped. My job is to accompany my clients through their daily lives and offer them different therapeutic activities like swimming, hiking, making music, making candles and painting.
My name is Christian Bolesta and I live near Frankfurt, Germany and attended a college to study special education in Heidelberg. I'm working in a group home for adults who are mentally and physically handicapped. My job is to accompany my clients through their daily lives and offer them different therapeutic activities like swimming, hiking, making music, making candles and painting.
2. Why do you think art helps your students express themselves?
The different art-projects are helping my clients to encourage new and creative ways of dealing with their problems and reflecting on themselves.
The different art-projects are helping my clients to encourage new and creative ways of dealing with their problems and reflecting on themselves.
3. Do you think art is essential in everyone’s daily life?
Most people are dealing with "art" everyday. A painting is art. All handicrafts that a child does in kindergarten are art. What a surgeon is doing in a hospital is art. Even designing a toilet can be art....and every kind of art is interesting to someone.
Most people are dealing with "art" everyday. A painting is art. All handicrafts that a child does in kindergarten are art. What a surgeon is doing in a hospital is art. Even designing a toilet can be art....and every kind of art is interesting to someone.
4. What kind of art projects do your students enjoy most?
Being creative, whether with painting, photography or making music helps me to express my feelings and my lifestyle to the people around me. I want to share my experiences with others and want to help other people to find themselves in the art.
Being creative, whether with painting, photography or making music helps me to express my feelings and my lifestyle to the people around me. I want to share my experiences with others and want to help other people to find themselves in the art.
6. What is your favorite type of art to practice?
I like playing guitar, drums or singing everyday at home. I also travel frequently and take pictures on every trip. I'm painting whenever it’s raining and or when I'm relaxing at home. So it really depends on where I am and in what mood I am in. I think the most of them like working with acrylic paint. It’s got bright colors, has a nice consistency and dries very fast. Painting on large canvases is the most fun for my clients. They can express themselves by big movements and let their emotions flow. The paintings are usually abstract.
I like playing guitar, drums or singing everyday at home. I also travel frequently and take pictures on every trip. I'm painting whenever it’s raining and or when I'm relaxing at home. So it really depends on where I am and in what mood I am in. I think the most of them like working with acrylic paint. It’s got bright colors, has a nice consistency and dries very fast. Painting on large canvases is the most fun for my clients. They can express themselves by big movements and let their emotions flow. The paintings are usually abstract.
7. Who are some of your favorite artists?
I'm still fascinated by gambling and bars - that's why I love the artwork of Michael Godard. I also like his "rock star" attitude. When art is too sophisticated I lose interest. It should be understandable for everybody. On the other hand I love the old masters like Michelangelo. The Sistine chapel in Vatican City is just breathtaking.
I'm also a fan of some of the amateur art at http://www.kunstdepot24.de/ - It’s all young art-students from Berlin who are selling really nice copies of famous paintings for a nice price. I’ve bought a few pieces for myself and my students.
I'm still fascinated by gambling and bars - that's why I love the artwork of Michael Godard. I also like his "rock star" attitude. When art is too sophisticated I lose interest. It should be understandable for everybody. On the other hand I love the old masters like Michelangelo. The Sistine chapel in Vatican City is just breathtaking.
I'm also a fan of some of the amateur art at http://www.kunstdepot24.de/ - It’s all young art-students from Berlin who are selling really nice copies of famous paintings for a nice price. I’ve bought a few pieces for myself and my students.
8. What are things that inspire you as an artist?
I'm traveling a lot, especially between Germany and the United States. I'm trying to translate all the different experiences onto canvas or through guitar strings.
I'm traveling a lot, especially between Germany and the United States. I'm trying to translate all the different experiences onto canvas or through guitar strings.
9. What do you think is missing from the art world today?
The dialogue between all types of people and social classes. I'd rather go to an exhibition of kindergarten paintings than to an exhibition of an arrogant-wanna-be-artist that sells expensive paintings that a monkey could have painted.
10. Where can people learn more about your students' artwork?
You can see the paintings and buy all kind of colorful candles and woodwork in our store at the workshop of the "IB Behindertenhilfe Hessen" in Grävenwiesbach, Germany or at our store in Usingen, Germany.
Name: Marcus Country: Germany Age: 40You can see the paintings and buy all kind of colorful candles and woodwork in our store at the workshop of the "IB Behindertenhilfe Hessen" in Grävenwiesbach, Germany or at our store in Usingen, Germany.
Name: Angelika Country: Germany Age: 27
Name: Fahim Country: Afghanistan Age: 31
Name: Yvonne Country: Germany Age:34
Name: Arzu Country: Turkey Age:25
Name: Janel Country: USA Age:36
Name: Fahim Country: Afghanistan Age:31
Name: Yvonne Country: Germany Age: 34
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